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See also Media Transfer Protocol References External links Webrec website Category:Media technology Category:File transfer software Category:Windows multimedia software Category:REST client software for WindowsQ: Custom Python package - command line interface I am creating a custom Python package and I would like to have a command line interface. I would like to create a module in my package that exposes the interface and some of the modules used within the package. What I tried: Python package --help would list the possible commands, but no matter what command I use, I get: usage: [-h] command [ARGS] -h, --help show this help message and exit command [ARGS] command1 command2 command3 command1 command2 command3 The output is different if I use --help-commands instead. Python package --commands usage: [-h] commands [ARGS] -h, --help show this help message and exit commands [ARGS] command1 command2 command3 command1 command2 command3 PEP 249 I read PEP 249, and that's basically what I did. I added the following code: from setuptools import setup name = "package" version = "1.0.0" setup( name=name, version=version, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'command1 = mypackage.command1:main' ] }, zip_safe=False, package_data={ be359ba680

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